Coffee harvest in Brazil reaches 84% ​​of 2021 production


The weekly monitoring from SAFRAS indicates that, up to August 3, Brazilian growers had already harvested 84% of the 21/22 crop or around 47.57 million from the production estimated at 56.50 million bags. The work progress has gained intensity, taking advantage of the drier climate and advancing 7% from last week. The harvest rhythm is in line with the same period last year but is still slightly below the 5-year average for the period (85%).

The arabica harvest is slower and reaches only 76% of production, against 79% in the same period last year and 81% of the historical average for the period. The profile remains positive, with good cup quality and no major problems with graining.

As for conillon, the work is moving towards the end with 98% of the expected production already reaped. The harvest reaches the same pace as the same period last year but is still slightly below the 99% average for the last five years.