Coffee Shipments rise 5% in first quarter of 2020/21 season


Shipments rise 5% in first quarter of 2020/21 season

Brazil’s export flow has been more accelerated. In September, 3.99 million bags were shipped (green + soluble), according to Secex. The volume shipped was 15% above the same period last year. Revenue from coffee exports increased 18%, totaling USD 472 million. Thus, the first quarter of the 2020/21 business season (Jul/Sep) ended with a volume of 10.69 million bags of coffee shipments, up 5% from the same period of the previous year. Coffee export revenue rose by 10%, reaching USD 1.26 billion.

            The good numbers at the start of the business season reinforce the idea of ​​a big crop in Brazil in 2020, as well as point to accelerated shipments over the next few months. The high percentage of sales by growers and crowded warehouses must guarantee the coffee flow, as well as reinforce the idea of ​​a crop higher than expected earlier.