US soybean crop conditions worsen

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Porto Alegre, September 2nd, 2024 – The conditions of US soybean crops worsened between August 19 and 25. With drier weather and higher temperatures, the national indexes of crops in good or excellent condition fell by 1% from the previous week. Despite the decline, the national indexes remain well above last year and the average of recent crops for this period. This fact supports the feeling of record productivity and production in the 2024/25 season.

According to USDA, 67% of US soybean crops are in good or excellent condition, 24% in fair condition, and 9% in poor or very poor condition. In the previous week, the percentages were 68%, 24% and 8%, respectively. In the same period last year, the percentages were 58%, 28% and 14%, respectively.

The period between August 25 and 31 was one of higher moisture in some states in the north and center of the growing belt, which should have created a more favorable environment for the final plant development. In view of this, we expect a slight improvement in the national indexes in the next USDA report, which will be released this Tuesday (3), after the US Labor Day holiday on Monday (2).

The climate maps now point to a period of higher moisture over most of the growing belt between September 1 and 7, which should once again be favorable for the final plant development. Between September 8 and 14, moisture should be lower in practically the entire growing belt.

It should be pointed out that the harvest of the new US season should begin between September 10 and 15 in the main states of the growing belt.