Accelerated global coffee shipments contrast with signs of tightening


Despite concerns about future production in Vietnam and the new Brazilian crop not yet being visible on the market, the global flow of coffee continues to speed up. According to ICO’s data, global shipments grew 11% between October 2023 and April 2024, compared to the same period last year, totaling 80.99 mln bags in the first half of the 23/24 business season (Oct/Apr). The arabica coffee shipments increased by 12.8%, while those of robusta increased by 8.7%, totaling 48.34 and 32.65 mln bags, respectively.

The volume of shipments from South America, mainly from Brazil and Colombia, grew considerably in the first half of the ICO’s 23/24 business season (Oct/Apr), reaching levels similar to the 20/21 cycle, when Brazil reaped a record crop. Shipments of Colombian milds increased by 8% in the period, while natural coffee from Brazil grew 21%. This accelerated flow from Brazil was driven by high prices at the beginning of 2024 and the wide availability of the 2023 crop. The strong selling movement contributed to emptying warehouses, leaving growers more capitalized, which helps to understand the greater tranquility of Brazilian sellers at the beginning of the new season.

Data from the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) indicate shipments of 6.89 mln bags in the 23/24 business year (Oct/Apr), against 6.31 mln in the same period last year. The rise in prices and the slight increase in production explain this performance.