Coffee harvest reaches 86% of 23/24 crop in Brazil


The mostly dry climate and the higher temperature last week once again favored the smooth progress of the coffee harvest and drying process in Brazil. The weekly monitoring of SAFRAS indicates that until August 8, the country reaped 86% of the 23/24 crop, which corresponds to an increase of 6% over the previous week. Even so, work continues below the same period last year, when the harvest reached 89% of production, and below the five-year average, which corresponds to 90% of production.

The arabica harvest corresponds to 80% of the expected production and remains below the same period last year, when it reached 84%, and the five-year average of 86%. The still partial result confirms the positive expectations of a large arabica crop and a positive profile, both for the cup and graining quality. Lower-than-expected moisture in July and early August has favored the crop profile, especially in terms of cup.

The conillon harvest is ending, with 96% complete, against 97% in the same period last year and 99% on the 5-year average.

The dry and hot weather should continue until the end of the week over the Southeast region of Brazil. But the moisture should return from Saturday and Sunday, with more cloudiness and low-intensity rains in coffee areas of Mogiana, and southern Matas de Minas. This cold front should advance early next week into Espírito Santo and southern Bahia. Temperatures are expected to be milder.