Brazilian internal coffee physical market on the rise


   Porto Alegre, January 28 th, 2022 – The Brazilian physical coffee market follows the ICE and dollar volatility, but remains very close to the highs and very appreciated. The firmness of physical prices helps growers to maintain a slow selling pace. Good cup arabica is around BRL 1,480/1,500 a bag in the physical market, reaching BRL 1,500/1,530 for a finer cup in the regions of southern Minas Gerais, Mogiana, and Cerrado.

   Rio cup is pegged at BRL 1,390/1,400 in Matas de Minas, which is also highly valued. Conillon rose again and is testing highs by changing hands at BRL 825 a bag for type 7/8 in Colatina, ES. The market is rising, unlike the negative realignment on ICE Europe, finding support in low physical availability.