Harvest of soybean advances at slow pace in Brazil


    The harvest of Brazil’s new soybean season showed just a moderate progress again. The states of Mato Grosso and Goiás stand out, followed by Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. The harvest keeps delayed compared to the normal average due to excess rain in some of the regions that are already reaping.

    According to a survey carried out by SAFRAS & Mercado until February 14, 22.9% of a total sown area of ​​37.032 million tons were reaped, equivalent to approximately 8.489 million hectares. The five-year average for the period is 19.1%.

    In Paraná, out of a total area of ​​5.56 million hectares sown, 17% were reaped, equivalent to roughly 945.2 thousand hectares. The five-year average for the period is 21.2%.

    In Mato Grosso, out of a total sown area of ​​9.78 million hectares, 59% were reaped or approximately 5.794 million hectares. The five-year average for the period is 36.8%.

    Weather forecasts indicate significant rainfall for Rio Grande do Sul, Maranhão, Piauí, part of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais for the next seven days.