
Brazilian soybean harvest advances to final stretch

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Porto Alegre, April 23, 2024 – The harvest of the new Brazilian soybean crop once again registered reasonable progress in the period between April 19 and 25. Farm machines are approaching the last areas to be reaped this season, with only the state of Rio Grande do Sul registering significant delays in the harvest.

According to research carried out by SAFRAS & Mercado, as of April 26, 93.5% were reaped from a total sown area of 45.619 mln hectares, equivalent to approximately 42.645 mln hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 88.9%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage was 94.5%. The five-year average for the period is 94.7%.

In Rio Grande do Sul, out of a total sown area of 6.7 mln hectares, 67% were reaped, or the equivalent of approximately 4.489 mln hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 50%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage was 71%. The five-year average for the period is 80.8%.

In Paraná, out of a total area of 5.9 mln hectares sown, 100% were reaped. The previous week, the percentage was 99%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 99%, while the five-year average for the period is 99.2%.

In Mato Grosso, out of a total sown area of 12.14 mln hectares, 100% were reaped. The previous week, the percentage was 100%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 100%. The five-year average for the period is 100%.

In Mato Grosso do Sul, out of an estimated total area of 4.28 mln hectares sown, 100% were reaped. The previous week, the percentage was 100%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 100%, while the five-year average for the period is 100%.

In Goiás, out of a total sown area of 4.65 mln hectares, 100% were reaped. The previous week, the percentage was 99%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 100%. The five-year average for the period is 99.8%.

In São Paulo, out of a total area estimated at 1.4 mln hectares sown, 99% were reaped, or approximately 1.386 mln hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 98%. In the same period last year, 99% had been reaped. The five-year average for the period is 99.4%.

In Minas Gerais, out of a total sown area of 2.2 mln hectares, 99% were reaped, equivalent to approximately 2.178 mln hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 98%. In the same period last year, 99% had been reaped, while the five-year average for the period is 99.4%.

In Bahia, out of a total sown area of 2 mln hectares, 96% were reaped, or approximately 1.92 mln hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 90%. In the same period last year, 99% had been reaped, while the five-year average for the period is 86.6%.

The climate forecast maps now point to a period of relevant moisture over the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It starts in the period between April 28 and May 4. Parts of the states of Pará and Maranhão are also expected to receive significant rainfall. The other producing states in the country should receive little or no moisture during the period.

In the period between May 5 and 11, conditions should be very similar to those registered in the previous period, but with slightly more widespread rain in the South Region.

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