
Rains hinder soybean harvest progress in Brazil

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Porto Alegre, February 22th, 2023 – The harvest of the new Brazilian soybean crop advanced moderately last week, and the percentage reaped is close to the five-year average.

However, the climate factor continues as the main responsible for the lower productivity in the period. Excess moisture, mainly in the Midwest region, prevented better progress. The state of Paraná, in the South region, had some problems at certain points of the state, but productivity must be within the expected level.

According to research carried out by SAFRAS & Mercado up to February 17, the harvest was 20.9% complete of a total sown area of 43.749 mln ha, equivalent to approximately 9.13 mln ha. The previous week, the percentage was 14.8%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 32.9%. The five-year average for the period is 23%.

In Paraná, out of a total area of 5.75 mln ha, around 9% were reaped, or the equivalent of approximately 518 thousand hectares. The previous week, the percentage was 5%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 28%, while the five-year average for the period is 18%.

In Mato Grosso, from a total sown area of 11.8 mln ha, 58% were reaped, or approximately 6.844 mln ha. The previous week, the percentage was 44%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 67%. The five-year average for the period is 54%.

In Mato Grosso do Sul, 6% were reaped, equivalent to approximately 245 thousand hectares of a total sown area of 4.08 mln ha. The previous week, the percentage was only 4%. In the same period last year, 31% had been reaped, while the five-year average for the period is 22%.

In Goiás, out of a total sown area of 4.46 mln ha, 22% were reaped, or the equivalent of approximately 981 thousand hectares. The previous week, approximately 14% had been reaped. In the same period last year, 40% had been reaped. The five-year average for the period is 25%.

In São Paulo, out of a total sown area of 1.35 mln ha, 8% were reaped, or the equivalent of approximately 108 thousand hectares. Last week, about 4% had been reaped. In the same period last year, the percentage was 16%. The five-year average for the period is 15%.

In Minas Gerais, around 7% were reaped, or the equivalent of approximately 147 thousand hectares of a total sown area of 2.1 mln ha. The previous week, only 2% of the area had been reaped, against 17% in the same period last year and 14% on the five-year average.

The new climate forecasts show rains must go on mainly in the North region of the country, affecting the state of Mato Grosso, which sped up its harvest pace. In the South and Midwest, in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná, moisture must increase between February 17 and 23. In the Northeast region during this period, the climate must be drier and with lower moisture levels.

In the period between February 24 and March 2, the rainfall must decrease in most states, with micro-regional precipitation more in the Midwest and North of the country. In the South, moisture must rise but without significant rains in the period. Rio Grande do Sul does not bring great news, and its climate must be similar to that of the last few weeks, with a better level of moisture.

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