
Planting of soybean advances at a strong pace in Brazil

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     Porto Alegre, November 10, 2020 – The planting of the new Brazilian soybean crop again had a week of strong progress between November 1 and 6. Even with heavy rain accumulated in some states of the central strip of the country, growers accelerated the work to take advantage of moisture, which again resulted in a great recovery of the accumulated delays.

     According to a survey conducted by SAFRAS & Mercado, until October 30, Brazilian growers sowed 54.2% of the total area expected for the country. This percentage is equivalent to approximately 20.780 million hectares sown, out of total 38.325 million hectares estimated for the planting in the country. In the previous week, the index was 35%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage reached 54.7%, while the five-year average for the period is 52%.

     In Paraná, 83% of the area destined for soybeans were sown. The percentage is equivalent to nearly 4.65 million hectares planted, out of 5.6 million hectares estimated for the state. In the previous week, the index was 64%. In the same period last year, the percentage reached 82%, while the five-year average is 78.2% for the period.

     In Mato Grosso, out of a total expected area of 10.29 million hectares, 82% have already been sown, equivalent to around 8.44 million hectares. In the previous week, the percentage was 52%. In the same period of the previous year, the index was 92%. The five-year average for the period is 78.8%.

     In Mato Grosso do Sul, out of a total area estimated at 3.25 million hectares, 65% have already been sown, equivalent to nearly 2.11 million hectares. In the previous week, the percentage was 50%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 60%, while the five-year average for the period is 77.4%.

     In Goiás, out of a total expected area of 3.795 million hectares, 52% were sown, or approximately 1.97 million hectares. In the previous week, the percentage was 35%, while in the same period last year the percentage was 47%. The five-year average for the period is 50%.

     In São Paulo, out of a total area estimated at 1.08 million hectares, 25% were sown, or nearly 270 thousand hectares. In the previous week, the index was 19%, while in the same period of the previous year the percentage was 50%. The five-year average for the period is 47.6%.

     In Minas Gerais, out of a total area estimated at 1.755 million hectares, 44% were sown, or approximately 772 thousand hectares. In the previous week, the index was 30%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 35%, while the five-year average for the period is 38.6%.

     In Bahia, out of a total area estimated at 1.67 million hectares, 20% were sown, or nearly 334 thousand hectares. In the previous week, the index was 8%, while in the same period last year the percentage was 1%. The five-year average for the period is 9.6%.

     In Santa Catarina, the planting is 35% complete of an expected total area of 750 thousand hectares, which is equivalent to roughly 263 thousand hectares. In the previous week, the percentage was 14%. In the same period of the previous year, the index was 50%, while the average for the period is 41.6%.

     Weather forecasts point to a week of rain spread across the country between November 6 and 12, but with small accumulation in most states. This fact can again allow a good advance of the planting. Between November 13 and 19, the accumulated indexes started growing again in most states.

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