Porto Alegre, February 25th, 2025 – The Brazilian soybean harvest progressed rapidly last week, reaching roughly 37.6% of the total estimated area. This rate is slightly above the 37.4% registered in the same period last year and higher than the five-year average, which is 34.3%. The more favorable in the Midwest contributed to the accelerated pace of harvesters in the field.
According to a survey conducted by Safra & Mercado, through February 21, in the state of Paraná, approximately 48% of the total planted area were reaped, or nearly 2.832 mln hectares. In the same period last year, the rate was 45%, while the five-year average is 30.4%, showing satisfactory progress in the period.
In Mato Grosso, approximately 69% of the planted area were reaped, which is equivalent to nearly 8.708 mln hectares of an estimated total of 12.6 mln hectares. Progress is still behind the same period last year, when approximately 78% of the area had been reaped. The five-year average indicates 72.8%, which reflects a delay, although with rapid progress in recent weeks.
In Mato Grosso do Sul, roughly 43% of the total planted area were reaped, which represents approximately 1.871 mln hectares, out of a total of 4.35 mln hectares planted. In the same period last year, about 35% of the area had been reaped, while the five-year average is 32%, representing satisfactory progress.
In Goiás, approximately 40% of the total sown area were reaped, which is equivalent to 1.940 mln hectares, out of a total of 4.85 mln hectares. In the same period last year, the rate hit roughly 44%, while the five-year average is 42.2%, indicating a slight delay in the state.
In São Paulo, it is estimated that 25% of the total sown area were reaped, which represents nearly 360 thousand hectares of the 1.44 mln hectares sown. In the same period last year, roughly 29% had been reaped, while the five-year average is 22.2%.
In Minas Gerais, the harvest is currently underway on approximately 29% of the reaped area, or about 690 thousand hectares, out of a total of 2.38 mln hectares sown. In the same period last year, the rate was 25%, while the five-year average is 21%.
In Bahia, out of a total planted area of 2.1 mln hectares, approximately 20% were reaped, which is equivalent to roughly 420 thousand hectares. The previous week, the increase was only 14%. In the same period last year, 8% had been reaped, while the five-year average for the period is 10.2%.
In Maranhão, approximately 30% of the total planted area were reaped, which represents roughly 411 thousand hectares of a total of 1.37 mln hectares. In the same period last year, nearly 5% had been reaped, while the five-year average is 16.4%.
Looking at weather maps, the forecasts indicate stable weather in practically all soybean-producing regions between February 22 and 28. Conditions will be favorable for the harvest advance in the Southeast, Northeast, and Midwest states, except for northern Mato Grosso, where maps indicate higher levels of moisture and rainfall. In the South, the trend is for little rain and low moisture.
From March 1 to 7, the weather should follow a similar pattern, with clearer weather in the Southeast, in part of the Midwest (except in northern Mato Grosso) and part of the Northeast, where moisture levels tend to improve. In the North of the country, the weather will continue to be quite rainy. In the South, especially in Rio Grande do Sul, moisture levels are expected to recover.
Safras News