Porto Alegre, January 20th, 2025 – The harvest of the new Brazilian soybean season has reached around 1.1%, accounting for around 510 thousand hectares reaped of the total estimated for 2025. There are initial delays, occurring mainly in Mato Grosso, a region that should have a high yield.
In the state of Paraná, around 4% of the total sown area has been reaped, which accounts for around 236 thousand hectares. In the same period last year, the percentage was 10% and on the five-year average, the percentage was around 4.5%.
In the state of Mato Grosso, approximately 2% of the total planted area have been reaped, or approximately 252 thousand hectares of the total area estimated at 12.6 mln hectares. This is a small advance when compared to the same period last year, when nearly 13% of the planted area had been reaped. The 5-year average points to 9.4%, meaning there is a significant delay, reflecting the late planting in the state. Other states in the Midwest are expected to begin work next week.
Short-term climate maps indicate a reduction in rainfall, especially in the Midwest region of Brazil, with lower levels of precipitation expected for the states of Mato Grosso, Goiás, Minas Gerais, and Bahia. This climate change should favor the harvest, allowing for greater efficiency in agricultural operations. In addition, the decrease in rainfall may alleviate areas that have been experiencing excessive moisture, contributing to the advancement of activities in the field and minimizing the risk of losses.
On the other hand, accumulated rainfall should be concentrated more in the north of the country. In the southern states, the maps indicate a good distribution of precipitation, especially in Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. This improvement in rainfall patterns in the south could bring some relief to the recent drought, benefiting crops and helping to mitigate the negative impacts observed in agricultural production in the region.
From January 26 to February 1, rainfall should return, covering all regions of the country, but with greater concentration in the north of Brazil and in the northern part of Mato Grosso. In the south of the country, Rio Grande do Sul should have lower moisture levels.