
At accelerated pace, soybean planting exceeds 90% of expected area in Brazil

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     Porto Alegre, November 29, 2021 –Last week, the planting of the new Brazilian soybean crop had strong evolution again in the main producing states between November 20 and 26.

     The states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul have already finished sowing, while the other states in the Midwest region, besides the states in the Southeast region, have advanced to the last areas, leaving only 1% or 2% of the crops to be sown.

     According to a survey carried out by SAFRAS & Mercado, until November 26, Brazilian growers had sowed 90.6% of the total area expected for the country in the 2021/22 harvest. The percentage is equivalent to around 36.695 million hectares sown out of a total of 40.510 million hectares estimated for planting. In the week earlier, the percentage was 84.2%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage was 83.3%, while the five-year average for the period is 85.7%.

     In Rio Grande do Sul, out of an expected total area of ​​6.33 million hectares, 69% were sown, or approximately 4.368 million hectares. In the previous week, the index was 53%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 48%, while the five-year average for the period is 64.6%.

     In Paraná, 99% of the area destined for soybeans were sown. The percentage is equivalent to approximately 5.594 million hectares, out of a total of 5.65 million hectares estimated for the state. In the week earlier, the percentage was 97%. In the same period last year, the percentage reached 99%, while the five-year average is 97.6% for the period.

     In Mato Grosso, the planting is finished in a total area of 10.95 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 99%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage was 99%. The five-year average for the period is 98.4%.

     In Mato Grosso do Sul, the planting reaches 100% of an estimated total area of 3.57 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 99%, while in the same period last year, the percentage was 99%. The five-year average for the period is 98%.

     In Goiás, from a total area estimated at 3.88 million hectares, 99% were sown, the equivalent of approximately 3.841 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 97%, while in the same period last year, the percentage was 88%. The five-year average for the period is 92.4%.

     In São Paulo, from a total area estimated at 1.22 million hectares, 98% were sown, or approximately 1.196 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 92%. In the same period of the previous year, the percentage was 87%, while the five-year average for the period is 92.6%.

     In Minas Gerais, the planting is 98% complete of a total area estimated at 2 million hectares, the equivalent of approximately 1.96 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 85%. In the same period last year, the percentage was 92%, while the five-year average for the period is 89%.

     In Bahia, from a total area estimated at 1.72 million hectares, 85% were sown, or approximately 1.462 million hectares. In the week earlier, the percentage was 75%, while in the same period last year the percentage was 80%. The five-year average for the period is 71.8%.

     Weather forecast maps point to another week of large accumulations of rain in the states of Mato Grosso, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Tocantins and parts of the states of Bahia, Piauí, Maranhão, and Pará between November 26 and December 2. The other states in the Midwest and Southeast regions should receive some rainfall, but at lower levels. In the southern region, little or no moisture is expected.

     In the period between December 3 and 9, the rain intensifies in the same states in the Midwest, Southeast, North and Northeast regions, while in the South little or no moisture is expected again.

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