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Reason to advertisewith Safras & Mercado

Take your brand to thousands of agribusiness participants.

Create connections with people your brand/company has not yet reached.

Expand the channels and formats in which your brand/company positions itself in the market.

Strengthen ties between your brand/company and the public of each agribusiness niche.

How to advertise in Safras?

Strong Mix360º Digital Presence

  • Website in Portuguese, English and Spanish
  • Digital Media such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Telegram
  • Blog with educational content
  • Exclusive Agro events
  • Safras Platform
  • Safras TV
  • Safras Podcast
  • Weekly newsletter

Reference from1976

Everything about agribusiness in one place

Market reference for the independence and credibility of its contents, which have been used daily, since 1976, by professionals from different sectors of the economy in several countries around the world.

Exclusive team of commodity experts

Own team of specialized journalists

Credibility and independence

Strong Mix360º Digital Presence

Safras has an annual program of online lives and in-person events that bring together thousands of professionals from various agribusiness segments.

The events take place in Portuguese and Spanish.


Audience made up of rural producers, cooperatives, agricultural retailers, professionals from agribusiness industries, banks, trading and brokerages.

The age of the audience varies between 25 and 64 years old.

In Brazil, the audience is in the South, Southeast, Central-West and Northeast regions (MATOPIBA).
In Argentina, the largest audiences come from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fé (Rosário) and Córdoba.
In Spain, the audience is distributed across the autonomous communities of Castilla y León, Cataluña, Aragón, Andalucía, Galicia and Murcia.

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