  • Safras


Everything about Agribusiness in one place

What is theSafras platform?

The Safras Platform represents a modern ecosystem with high analytical and information power, aimed at boosting your trading operations. With the Platform, create solid and profitable strategies by supporting tools for investment and scenario planning, hedging operations execution, trend analysis, stock monitoring and prospect tracking.




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  • Check verde claroOther Agencies (under contract)
  • Check verde claroAgro Analysis Today
  • Check verde claroAgro Vision Analysis
  • Check verde claroStatistics + Export/Import
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  • Check verde claroClimate
  • Check verde claroPhysical Market
  • Check verde claroFutures Market (DT and/or RT)
  • Check verde claroIndicators
  • Check verde claroExchange (DT)
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Important: After the purchase is approved by the payment system, your access data to the SAFRAS Platform will be sent by email within two business days.


Complete solution for every agribusiness.

  • Farmers
  • Exporters and Importers
  • Associations
  • Agrochemistry
  • Industries
  • Fertilizers
  • Cooperatives
  • Business
  • Banks
  • Brokers
  • Transport
  • Tradings
  • There are many advantages

    with the Safras Platform

Innovative and intuitive format that facilitates the use of information

Access content that explains everything about agricultural commodities in the format of texts, audios, videos, podcasts, spreadsheets, online quote panels and graphs. Get complete information that helps you do business, gathered in a single intuitive and very easy-to-use system.

Complete data and content for your business and investments.

News, stock quotes, physical prices, currencies, economic indicators, weather, freight, short and medium term analyses, premiums, parities, and many other exclusive contents updated instantly for you to make better investments and businesses.
Acesso a informacao

Your quick and easy access to information

The Safras Platform is modern and intuitive, offering a great user experience with state-of-the-art features. Conduct searches quickly through a dynamic, customizable interface equipped with filters, zoom, screen highlighting and playlist creation with news, analysis and favorite videos. Choose between light or dark themes and your preferred language.
Cobertura agronegocio

The largest coverage of agribusiness

Go beyond the traditional with analyzes in Portuguese, English and Latam newsletters dedicated to the European market.
  • Commodity coverages in Portuguese: Sugar & ethanol, cotton, rice, bioenergy, beef, coffee, beans, chicken, corn (includes Chicago), wheat, soybeans (includes grain, bran & oil and Chicago), swine, wheat.
  • Commodity coverage in English: coffee, corn, meat, soybeans, sugar and Latam (Latam covers everything about the Latin American markets, focusing on the interests of international professionals).
Sistema grafico profissional

Professional Graphics System

The Safras Platform is equipped with the Trading View graphical module, a powerful graphical analysis tool that allows the user to carry out technical studies, project price trends and analyze different types of graphs and technical studies for agricultural commodities.
The Trading View graphic system is the world leader in its segment and used daily by the main companies in the financial and commodities markets across the planet.
Conteudos originais

Original content and exclusive information

The Safras Platform provides original content, created by Safras & Mercado consultants, economists and journalists, with complete freedom from opinion. This makes the system reliable and highly advantageous for professionals who need to monitor reference prices, global stock exchanges, projections, exchange rates, indicators, physical and future prices among various exclusive information.

Main contents

Analises prazos

Short and medium term analyzes (Agri Day / Agri Vision) carried out by consultants and analysts specialized in each segment.

Indicadores economicos

Complete economic indicators.

Precos fisicos agropecuarios

Physical agricultural prices in the main marketing areas throughout Brazil (includes premiums at ports).

Estatisticas agropecuarias

Complete agricultural statistics (planting, harvesting, production, marketing, exports, imports, freight, price behavior, harvest forecasts, crushing, processing, USDA data, supply and demand tables.

Paridades de moedas

Currency parities, with emphasis on the Dollar and Euro.

Calendario de cursos

Calendar of courses (in-person and online) and free lives so you are always up to date in the segment.


Climate (temperatures and precipitation).

Noticias exclusivas da Agencia SAFRAS

Exclusive news from Safras News (own team of specialized journalists).

Videos e podcasts exclusivos

Exclusive videos and podcasts.

Cotacoes de Bolsas nacionaise internacionais

National and international stock quotes.